Our History


  • February: all new screens for the front engine bays.
  • March: The current shed out back had new shingles done and new siding done.
  • April: New generator installed and operational , along with new letter done to the front of the building.


  • January : The first community bonfire was held to replace the Christmas tree burning due to DEP Regulations.
  • February :Fire company voted to lower the Jr. algae which was currently 16 to the age of 14. Company voted to follow to the state guidelines.
  • 5 cameras installed to the building.
  • March; Awarded a CSX grant in the amount of $2500.
  • April: All new photo frames purchased by the Ladies Auxially for the meeting room.
  • June : Firehouse building was pained inside and outside with the exception of kitchen, hallways and bathroom that were done previously.
  • July ; The new memorial plaque came in and was installed.
  • September; Company decided to start using Credit cards as a form of payment. (Square)
  • Awarded a $1000 grant.
  • Building had a new central air conditioner installed and a mini split for the chief’s office.
  • October: 3-4’s bay had new door and all new weather striping done.
  • December : Awarded Amhiser Buch grant for canned drinking water. The pallet was split between the fire company the Pedricktown First Aid Squad.


  • March: Fire Company awarded a Walmart Grant in the amount of $5.0000 new thermostats added to meeting room and front engine bay.
  • February: The Company has decided to redo the current meeting room , new drywall, flooring, paint , ceiling tile etc.
    The fire company award American Water Grant for a 4 gas meter for Engine 3-1.
  • June: The shuffle bored that was in the meeting room was donated to Pennsville Historical Society.
    Supportive Membership added to fire company rooster, Supportive membership to follow the rules of the firemen pertaining to % calls ,% drill and meetings.
  • September: The flooring and new ceiling tiles have been completed in meeting room. Along with mew drywall and paint.
  • Fire Company awarded the GAry Sinese grant to purchase all active firemen a second set of turn out gear (12) To help combat cancer causing carcinogens.


  • January 2021 new door openers along with new weather stripping added to front engine bays Jan 2021.
  • April 2021 Engine 3-2 had AC Unit installed.
  • April 2021 the Fire Company had a new website designed by Green Technology Services.
  • The fire company decided to go ahead and order a new memorial plaque to replace the older one doe to rust and moisture. The new plaque will be on the front of the building, under the light, adjacent to the older one.
  • December: Fire Company added Surface Pro’s to Engine 3-1, 3-2. This will help with better mapping, reports, and preplans for the future. New base station computer donated (Lacys Express.)


  • May 2020 fire company awarded American Water grant for 14 Fire Hydrant Conversion Kits for $2,240.
  • June 2020 all Kitchen cabinets replaced. Cost was split between the fire company and ladies’ auxiliary.
  • June 2020 the hallway, kitchen, bathroom and engine bays flooring redone with epoxy company patch and Taz added to the floor-by the company Floor Skinz. In June 2020.
  • October 2020 the fire company extends its membership lines to 6 miles from the fire house.
  • In December 2020 the annual tree burning had to be permanently cancelled due to the NJDEP, N.J.A.C. 7:27-2.


  • February 2019 all firehouse interior lighting switched over to LED.
  • December 2019 the fire company took delivery of the their new KME Pumper tender and was able to put it in service.
  • September The Pedricktown Ladies Axially relinquished the the kitchen and the crafter for Pedricktown Day over to the fire company.


  • September 2018 with approval at the meeting decision was made to purchase a new 53x 36 programable, multicolor Led Sign for OutFront.
  • July 2018 the fire Company was awarded The Salem County Health and Awareness Grant with thanks to the Pedricktown First Aid Squad for $27,169.00. Company able to purchase 2 Telecrib Struts, Chain set and 2 Hurst Rams with ex batteries and a Hurst StrongArm.


  • February 2017 all Engine 3-2 lights were converted to LED.
  • September 2017 the Fire Company awarded a AFG Grant for a Scott cascade system with 4 (6000 psi) Amse Cylinders, Gear washer and dryer, Hurst O cutter, Hurst Spreader, Rhyno Windshield cutter and Firefighter II class for a grand total of $102,914.00.
  • October 2017 the Fire Company held their first open house fire prevention day.
  • The fire company ordered a custom built 2018 KME Predator Pumper-Tender with 2850 gallons of water, 20 gallons of A foam, 20 gallons of B foam, 2000 GPM pump,600 HP Cummins engine, Allison Transmission. 8-man cab, and custom gold leafing and a mural of the 1934 Ford antique on the driver’s side by Ed May.


  • February 2016 a truck committee was established and approved to start specing  out a new firetruck to replace the 1993 KME Pumper. Members are as followed for the committee, Gary Moore, Michael Moore, Anthony Jackson, Phyllis Moore, William Ferrell Jr., James Nipe, John Hofbauer, Jeffrey Moore.
  • May 2016 new asphalt parking laid at the firehouse by Asphalt Industries.
  • June 2016 the 1934 antique Fords’ radiator and motor were repaired.
  • In December 2016 fire house was awarded a $1,000 grant from South Jersey Gas for the purchase of a LED portable scene lights for the trucks.
  • In December 2016 the Fire house was converted over to all LED lighting outside.
firehouse 1910-23
firehouse 1924-55
firehouse 1955-74

Our Chiefs Through The Years

Michael Moore 2012 -2016
Gary R. Moore 1996-2011
George W. Hunt 1995
James E. Nipe II 1992-94
James Carty 1984-91
Daniel Pickin Sr. 1989
George Norton Jr. 1987
Charles Darlington 1979
William Ferrell Sr. 1971-78
William Bennett Sr. 1966-78
William Darlington 1943-65
Harry Justice 1925
Harry Picken 1910-43

Want to see more of our history?

2008 - 2014


  • April 12, 2014 the new 3-5 (1995 Peterbuilt tractor and 1972 Fruehauf tank trailer) was placed into service.
  • Aug 2014 the company approved to have the old shingle roof replaced with a metal one and have new gutters installed.
  • September 2014 new metal roof along with gutters completed.
  • In November 2014 3-4’s overhead door opener not functional and was replaced
  • December 2010 the ladies Aux agrees to purchase new sinks and center island for the kitchen.


  • May 2013 the fire company received a small grant from American Water Company in the amount of $850 to go towards the purchase of pagers.
  •  June 17, 2013 the fire company received the official notifications that we have been awarded a grant through FEMA AFG in the amount of 33,415. These funds will be used to purchase the replacement of a TIC (Thermal Imaging Camera), convert fire hydrants 4.5″ nst to 4 ” stortz connections, replace LDH purchased in 1993, replace pagers and portable radios that were originally purchased in 1996.


  • In August 2012 the Siren was disconnected and placed out of service due to the second motor burning out in 2011 and there were no funds available to fix or replace the siren. The Siren and Tower still stands at the Old Fire House and Municipal building at 32 West Mill Street.
  • In December of 2012 the Township Committee passed an ordinance to help funding to refurbish a replacement tanker/tender that was donated to the fire company. The 1980 Ford Tractor and 1969 Heil tank trailer will be replaced with a 1995 Peterbuilt tractor donated by Lacys Express and a 1972 Fruehauf tank trailer that was donated to the fire company by Ferrells Oil.


  • August 4, 2008, the company discussed the benefits of having a pavilion behind the firehouse to keep weather from disturbing fundraisers, particularly chicken BBQ’s.  It was decided to turn it over to the trustees to build one.  The Company received donated lumber from Youngs Lumber of Pedricktown for the construction.
  • It was discussed and a motion was made at the December 1, 2008 meeting to hold a banquet dinner to celebrate the Company’s 100th Anniversary.  The dinner would be held at the Beckett Holiday Inn on November 7, 2009.

    2000 - 2007

    2006 & 2007

    • At the January 2, 2006 meeting the trustees reported the exhaust system was up and running.
    • The Commodore Barry Bridge offered to create a contract with the fire company for fire protection of the grassy area at the base of the bridge on the New Jersey side.  After discussing the offer the company agreed to a 10 year contract and in return the bridge authority gave our organization $10,000.00 in April 2006.  The majority of the money received went to purchasing equipment for 3-4.
    • The company discussed having a 100th Anniversary Celebration and Parade and a committee was set up at the June 5, 2006 meeting.
    • At the June 4, 2007 meeting, the date for the 100th Anniversary was set for August 15, 2009.


    • May 2, 2005, new hand line nozzles were purchased and replaced the old ones on the fire trucks.  Also our company received a Chief’s Car from The Borough of Penns Grove.  This was donated on the urging of Penns Grove’s Chief Grasso.
    • The building door locks were replaced and new keys were distributed to members in June of 2005.
    • At the August 1, 2005 meeting a motion was made to purchase new outside building lights and the trustees planned to replace them.
    • The electric was completed in the addition and new stoves were installed in the kitchen in October of 2005.  Later in the same month Engine 3-1 was sent out to have the new remote deck gun that was purchased through the grant we applied for mounted.
    • In November of 2005 the trustees began painting the firehouse and the instillation of the exhaust system was started.


    • Notification was received at the January 5th 2004 meeting that the township would pay for air pack upgrades from 2216psi units to 4500psi units and to also purchase 3 new packs to fill the fire trucks.  Also, a letter was received by the Chief, advising that our company had been awarded $125,000.00 for a new brush truck from the FEMA grant they had submitted.  The grant stated that we had to find a company to purchase the new truck from and have a contract with them within a year.  A truck committee was created to work on this project.
    • The Truck Committee for the new 3-4 brush truck met with Chivvis Enterprises from New York in March 2004.
    • The Chiefs reported at the April 5, 2004 meeting that they applied for another grant to get remote deck guns for the two Class A Engines, new hand line nozzles, equipment for the new brush truck and a diesel exhaust system for the building.  They received notification that this grant was approved in February 2005.
    • Also they purchased SCBA voice amplifiers for the interior fire fighters.  They were issued to the members with the highest percentage of fire calls and SCBA certified.
    • As discussion of the new 3-4 continued, the lack of space in the station was mentioned.  At the June 6, 2004 meeting it was decided that an addition would be needed.  The addition idea was turned over to the Trustees to research and they were instructed to return to the company by September with ideas/recommendations.  Also at the same meeting G. Moore advised the company that he was working on new SOPs to cover every aspect of the fire company procedures like training, emergency scenes, communications, operations, standard procedures, etc.  The new SOPs would also be done to meet the requirements by JIF (our township safety and joint insurance fund).
    • The trustees brought back their findings for the addition at the September 7, 2004 meeting.  The plan was to build an extension off of the end of the existing firehouse.  The Trustees contracted with Mike Bianco to do the concrete and block work.  The balance of the work would be done by the company members.
    • The Chief filed for a grant extension for the new brush truck at the end of 2004 because it wasn’t finished being constructed.  The truck committee made a trip to New York to check on its progress.  Also in December of 2004 the sidewalk was lengthened for the new addition.
    • The Chiefs purchased equipment for the FAST team trainings in the beginning of February 2005.  Later that same month the new 5-ton Chivvis brush truck was received.  As of April 2005, the paperwork for 3-4’s grant was finalized.


    • On January 5, 2003 the new KME Engine with a duel foam system and cascade system was delivered.  Later that month, LOSAP paperwork was distributed to the members to begin the process after it had been approved by the voters of Oldmans Township in November 2002, to fund the program
    • At the July 7, 2003 meeting the company discussed the creation of a FAST team.  A few members that took the certified course began making in house training days for interested members.
    • The hose bed tarp on 3-1 was fixed and new tires for 3-5 were purchased in September of 2003.


    • The Company and the Township started researching a Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP), as in incentive to gain more volunteers and provide a form of retirement plan for members of the emergency services in the Township on May 1, 2000.
    • A thermal imager camera was given to the company on September 25, 2000 purchased with funds from the State of NJ, provided by Gov. Christie Whitman in her support of the need for this type equipment by the fire service.
    • Engine 3-1 was approved to have a light tower and a rear light bar mounted at the February 5, 2001 meeting.  At the same meeting a new truck committee was put together to create specs for a new Engine 3-2 to replace the 1980 FMC Pumper.


    • The company repaired the transmission in the brush truck, 3-4, in February of 1996.
    • At the meeting in March of 1996 the company discussed and decided to have a housing on July 13, 1996 for the 1993 KME Pumper and to honor the memory of George Hunt, past Chief (youngest in history to date) and who also served on the Truck Committee for the 1993 KME.  Two plagues with George’s name were purchased and mounted on the truck.
    • The fire company created and purchased a new uniform that was to be worn by all the members on November 3, 1997.
    • The members of the company discussed and motioned to buy 30 feet of ground from Louis Peachey behind the firehouse in April of 1998 to allow for the construction of an addition to the firehouse.
    • New radios were installed in all of the fire trucks and portables were bought for member use on fire calls in 1999 when the County switched from their low band (33.86mhz) system to a new 500mhz high band trunking system.
    • In February of 1999 the company received approval from Warner Brothers to use the Tasmanian Devil emblem as our mascot and had jackets ordered with this on the back.
    • March 1, 1999 dry hydrants were installed in town, one near Lacy’s Express and the Iron Bridge, the other at Beaver Creek, to provide quick drafting sites.
    • The members of the company entered a truck in competition for the first time at the Annual Firemen’s Convention parade in September 1999.


    • A new truck committee was set up at the March 2, 1992 meeting for the replacement of the 1964 Ford Pumper.
    •  The members of the fire company were given their own personal identification numbers to make the paperwork and accountability of personnel and equipment easier in April of 1992.
    •  At the October 5, 1992 meeting the President appointed G. Moore, J. Carty, and W. Ferrell Jr. to approach the Township regarding the need for a new tanker tractor.  Despite the effort, no information on a new truck was received.
    •  The company purchased short sleeve uniform shirts for parades on August 2, 1993.
    •  After a lengthy wait, the company received their new tractor for the tanker on January 3, 1994. Ferrell’s Oil Service donated the vehicle, a 1980 Ford.
    •  Following a February 1994 break in at the fire house, new doors were ordered for the kitchen and meeting room which was paid for by the insurance company.
    •  The new 3-5 tanker truck was put in service and the new doors were installed April 4, 1994.
    •  New company patches were designed by member Bob Moore and were purchased for all members on October 6, 1994.  This is still the current page used today.
    •  At the February 6, 1995 meeting the Ladies Auxiliary offered to purchase electric overhead door operators for the company and distributed quotes they had received.  The fire company reviewed the quotes and chose the opener they felt would work the best.
    •  In June of 1995 the doors were hooked up to the new automatic openers and Engine 3-2 was sent out for repair after finding a leak in the tank.  The steel tank was replaced with a poly tank.
    •  On October 14, 1995, the fire company held their first Pedricktown Day Chicken BBQ, an event that is still a valuable success today.


    • The fire company received a new 1980 FMC Ford diesel fire truck with a 750gpm water pump from the Township in the spring of 1981.
    •  On September 26, 1981 the company dedicated the new firehouse and housed the new Ford.  Also, the ambulance squad housed their new ambulance and the Township celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Pedricktown with a parade prior to the fire company housing ceremonies.
    •  In a plan to upgrade the furniture at the fire house the company searched for prices for new tables, chairs, and a chair cart in January 1982.  As of March 1, 1982 the furniture was purchased for $439.00 as well as metal trashcans for the engine bay.
    •  At the June 7, 1982 meeting it was discussed and decided to purchase the material necessary to build a Chief’s Office.  At the same meeting it was mentioned that an oxygen tank with mask was received for use at fire calls and would be placed on one of the engines.
    •  A committee was created at the July 5, 1982 meeting for the purpose of restoring the 1934 ford fire truck.  The committee consisted of C. Darlington, R. Jenkins, K. Cole, J. Newman, A. Jackson, J. Nipe, and G. Storicks.
    •  A cassette recorder and cassettes were purchased to record the meetings to help the secretary because of a decision made at the August 2, 1982.
    •  On September 13, 1982 the company made several plans to fix up the firehouse.  The plans included a door for the chief’s office, new bays doors, clean and seal the engine bay floor, touch up paint the block walls, thin out uneven spots in the parking lot and purchase a new or used soda machine.
    •  After months of discussion, the company reached a decision in regards to the renting of the fire hall at the November 1, 1982.  To this day the contract that was agreed upon is still used with minor changes.
    •  Continuing to help to improve the firehouse, a trophy shelf was put up in the meeting room on October 7, 1983.
    •  The fire company received news of the opening and start up of the operation of the Pedricktown Airport in November 1983.
    • The fire company motioned to purchase a 36” exhaust fan for the engine room at the February 6, 1984 meeting.  Also that night nine members were appointed to the 75th Anniversary Committee.  Their job was to set up for a parade and a company dinner if the funds were available.
    •  The exhaust fan was purchased and installed with a timer in March of 1984 as well as installation of combination spot and flood lights on Engine 3-2 and a handrail on Tender 3-5.
    •  A hose rack to hold 1,800 feet of hose line was purchased by the fire company in April 1984.
    •  At the May 7, 1984 meeting the Ladies Auxiliary offered to purchase bunker pants or jump suits based on the Company’s choice.  After discussing the two,  jumpsuits were chosen by majority vote.
    •  In June and August of 1984 there was a tremendous discussion of changing the radio communications to use a station number when dispatched versus using the company name.  It was decided to keep with the company name at that time.  Today, dispatching is done by using a station number.  Pedricktown Fire Company was assigned Station 3 by the County.
    •  A 1977 Ford crew cab pickup truck was purchased for the purpose of transporting a 15KW generator for fire calls in December 1984.
    •  At the March 4, 1985 meeting, a picture in the Today’s Sunbeam newspaper sparked a new rule from the Chiefs.  The picture clearly showed a fireman without his fire equipment on, so the Chiefs stated that any fireman to show up to a fire without his gear would be sent back to the firehouse without hesitation.
    •  In October 1985 the company had their monthly drill at an empty house on Route 130 where they held a controlled burn.
    •  It was reported at the February 3, 1986 meeting that a storage box was mounted on the side of 3-5 for the hose adapters and fittings, but it was stated that it was not for the use of personal equipment.  Also at the meeting the company was reminded to use correct rules of communications when using the radio.
    •  At the April 7, 1986 meeting a design was drawn up for a windbreak for the side meeting room door and the expansion was approved.
    •  A modification was made to the rental agreement for use of the building at the May 5, 1986 meeting.  Anytime the building is used for a rental or by a firefighter/auxiliary member, a work party will be called the night before to clean the building.
    •  On May 13, 1986 the fire company responded to an explosion at the BF Goodrich plant that was caused by the failure of a manhole cover, where a spark from the ceiling light above the tank ignited the tank fumes.  The estimated damage cost was $1.3 million.
    •  At the June 7, 1986 meeting it was decided to tear down the lean to building and build a new storage shed.
    •  As of July 7, 1986 a tanker task force was set up in Salem County and a drill was held with Station 12 of Woodstown in which Pedricktown first participated.
    •  On October 6, 1986 the company purchased new hand lights and portable radios with the help of state funding.
    •  At the March 2, 1987 meeting the committee working on the 1934 Ford reported the truck was nearly finished and a new cover was purchased for it.
    •  A motion was made to help with the company’s storage problem by purchasing an outside storage barn at the February 16, 1988 meeting.
    •  As of August 1, 1988 the locks were changed and new keys were distributed to the members.
    •  The firehouse roof was re-shingled in August of 1989 by a contractor.


    • On August 2, 1971, Louis Peachey made a verbal agreement to sell a piece of property along Railroad Avenue, starting next to Amos Wilson’s property, for a distance of 300 feet long and 200 feet deep.  The fire company asked Mr. Peachey for a written sales agreement and on November 1, 1971 the letter was received confirming price and dimensions of the lot.  The fire company met for a special meeting to discuss to the purchase of the property and the Trustees were instructed to make the arrangements to do so.
    •  The building committee presented the plans for the new firehouse on March 6, 1972.  In April a checking account was created to fund the building with a donation from the General Account of $450.00.  Also to raise funds the company reported at the May 1, 1972 meeting they would be holding a breakfast, flower and sub sales, and buck a block fundraisers.
    •  On November 6, 1972 a ground breaking committee was appointed with Ed Bouvier as chairman and Walt Storicks Jr., William Ferrell Sr. and Larry McAllister serving.  Also a motion was made to set the date for April 14, 1973.
    •  For the year of 1972, Alward Hendrickson was named Fireman of the Year.
    •  In February 1973, Zoning Board granted permission to remove topsoil.  On April 14, 1973, the company held groundbreaking ceremonies for the present building.
    •  In May of 1973, the company went to County Dispatch for alert of a calls.
    •  The fire company approached the township concerning the ownership of the 1934 Ford Fire truck in September of 1973.
    •  For the year of 1973, Leonard A. Moore was named Fireman of the Year.
    •  For the year of 1974, Raymond Jones was named Fireman of the Year.
    •  In July of 1975 the Logan Volunteer Fire Company moved into the present firehouse and held their first of many company meetings in the building.
    •  At the July 6,1976 meeting Bill Bennett was appointed to get the bill of sale for the Ford truck from the mayor for the purpose of ordering tags.
    •  A resolution/contract was received connecting the US Army base facility on Route 130 and the Fire Company on October 4, 1976 for the purpose of providing fire protection for federal property.
    •  “The Mean Machine” joined the fire company in March of 1977.  The 1952 GMC Army truck was received from the Salem County Vocational Technical School located on Route 45 in Mannington and remained the Company’s brush truck until 2006 when it was replaced with a new custom refurbished 1970 Kaiser 6×6 army truck.
    •  In October of 1977, a resolution was passed to donate a piece of fire company property to the Township for the relocation and installation of the Township War Memorial from its location by the Pedricktown Bank.
    •  For the year of 1977, William Bennett was named Fireman of the Year.
    •  On September 4, 1978, Richard Tighe, a representative of the Township, turned over the Bill of Sale for the 1934 Ford fire truck to the fire company.
    •  In the spring of 1979, Ross Fogg Oil Co. donated a 1962 White Diesel tractor and a 5000-gallon trailer to the company to be used as a water tanker truck.


    • In January of 1950, the first Christmas tree burning took place.  This event has been done every January since (except for a 15 year lapse, 1965-1980 due to the fire company’s move to their present location).
    •  On November 30, 1953 the company voted to buy a 1940 Packard for $250.00, to be converted into an ambulance.  This was the first ambulance for Pedricktown and the company turned it over to the township at a special meeting held December 7, 1953.  To alert members of calls the company voted to sound the siren once for ambulance, twice for drills, and three times for fires.
    •  A fire started in a garage owned by Russell Drabold, Sr. on Sunday, April 11, 1954.  This garage housed the ambulance. Both the garage and ambulance were a total loss.  The company sold the remains of the ambulance to Emerson Hall for $10.00 on May 3, 1954.  At that same meeting, the company by motion decided to purchase an ambulance from Underwood Hospital for $250.00.  Also in 1954 the company received a 1953 International Fire Truck with a 500 GPM pump from the township.
    • On April 7, 1958, the company joined the New Jersey State Volunteer Firemen’s Association.  It was also reported at the same meeting that a tower for the siren was purchased and installed.
    •  At the April 6, 1959 meeting it was reported that a Chrysler Ambulance was purchased from Boody Motors and the ambulance was put in service in July of 1959.
    •  On October 5, 1959, Junior Firemen membership was organized for ages 16 to 21 years.
    •  The company celebrated their 50th year Anniversary with a dinner at the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Gibbstown on December 4, 1959.
    •  In 1961, the fire company moved again to the present Township Hall.
    •  As of the February 6, 1961 meeting, the company voted to drop out of the New Jersey State Volunteer Firemen’s Association.
    •  On May 1, 1961 uniforms were purchased and will be worn to Memorial Day Parades.
    •  In 1964, the fire company received a 1963 Ford Rescue truck with a 750 GPM hale pump.
    •  We fought the Cunard Warehouse fire with several assisting companies on January 25, 1966.
    •  The company honored William Darlington with a testimonial dinner at the Washington Club on March 26, 1966.  Mr. Darlington was the company’s fire chief for 22 years (1943-1965).
    •  At the May 1, 1967 meeting a motion was made and the ambulance was turned over to the First Aid Squad of Pedricktown, however the two organizations remained united with membership.  In June of the same year the fire company added to their constitution to include Associate members.  Associate members would be a part of the first aid squad but not the fire department.  They would not be required to pay fire company dues or have a vote in fire business, but they would be carried on the books and be covered by the insurance.
    •  In December of 1967 the company decided to hold a Christmas party for the school children and each child would receive a candy cane and an orange.  Despite a few changes the fire company still does this each Christmas.
    •  On a motion at the June 3, 1968 meeting, the company decided the new firehouse would also contain a recreation hall and kitchen.
    •  On May 5, 1969, approval for a radio siren system by the Township Committee to cover fire and ambulance calls for Pedricktown and Auburn Fire Companies and the First Aid Squad was received.


    • On November 26, 1909, a meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a volunteer fire company for Pedricktown.  Also at that meeting the following officers were elected: President – William Burk, Vice President – R. Lee Sailor, Treasurer – William H. Hunt, and Secretary – D. Clay Smith.
    •  The first action taken by the president was to appoint T. E. Cooney, David Henderson, and Harry M. Green to collect contributions from the town’s residents for the purchase of fire apparatus.
    •  The next meeting was held December 16, 1909, at which it was decided to name the company The Logan Volunteer Fire Company.  Harry Picken was named the first fire chief with Harry Pedrick and J. P. Penton as 1st assistant and 2nd assistant chiefs.  Also appointed were a by-laws committee and the company’s trustees.  The first order of business conducted by the trustees was to investigate a site to become the firehouse.
    •  On December 31, 1909 the trustees and fire chief were deputized to go to Philadelphia to purchase 300 feet of fire hose.  The president was chosen to consult with Mr. Davis about incorporation of the company.
    •  After various meetings and financial research, on January 25, 1910, a lease was signed for the rent of ground from James Pedrick for $6.00 per year as the home of the firehouse.  The contract was to extend for ten years.  Following the execution and acceptance of the lease, the president appointed a building committee consisting of H. O. Picken, William Burk, and T. C. Cooney and a hose cart was purchased from U. S. Apparatus Co. for $265.00.
    •  On March 3, 1910, a committee of E.S. Black, H. Walton, and T. C. Cooney were appointed to have bond and mortgage drawn for loan on the firehouse.  Also the president designated to have the firehouse insured for $1,200.00.
    •  The company was incorporated by Attorney J. Warren Davis and recorded in Salem by Benjamin Harris, County Clerk, on March 11, 1910.
    •  The first meeting held in the new firehouse was on March 18, 1910.  At this meeting a motion was made that all active and honorary members pay ten cents per month, which remained the amount of monthly dues for members for over 40 years.
    •  At the March 15, 1910 meeting it was decided that members needed to be at least 18 years of age to join the company.
    •  During the June 28, 1910 meeting, the company had the third reading of the constitution and by-laws and they were adopted.
    •  One of the fire company’s members purchased the plot of ground where the firehouse stood on April 11, 1910.  The building was located where the present First National Bank parking lot is on Railroad Avenue.
    •  As of March 11, 1913, the trustees were instructed to acquire prices for a gong or bell for the company’s fire calls.
    • On January 26, 1915, fire commissioners were formed.  Jacob J. Hunt was elected chairman of District No. 1 and 36 firemen were elected to the Commission.  At the same meeting the company ordered 150 feet of fire hose and 2 wheel carts to carry 200 feet of hose and an extra nozzle.
    •  The company joined the State Fireman Relief Association on January 1, 1921. At that time the company had 30 active members.
    •  At the January 9, 1922 meeting the Committee on Lights reported that electric lights had been installed in the firehouse.  Also a motion was made and accepted to have regular monthly meetings of the Logan Volunteer Fire Company on the first Monday of each month.  In addition, the first delegates were appointed to attend the New Jersey Fireman’s Convention in Atlantic City.  The Convention was held each Thursday in September and the company selected 5 members as delegates with 3 alternates.
    •  A committee was put together to secure prices on new fire apparatus and another to provide ways and means to finance the proposal at the May 1, 1922 meeting.
    •  On January 1, 1923, the committee for the new fire apparatus recommended a REO Chassis with a Hale pump at a price of $4335.00. At the March 5, 1923 meeting the committee was authorized to borrow enough money from the First National Bank to finance the purchase of the new fire apparatus, which arrived on April 2, 1923.
    •  The fire company received their first parade invite in June of 1923.
    •  As of July 2, 1923, the trustees of the Logan Volunteer Fire Company were given approval to sell the firehouse they occupied and on December 3, 1923 the old firehouse was sold for $515.00.  Also sold was the old fire hose wagon for $2.00 and the old bell for $4.00.
    •  Between December 3, 1923 and January 2, 1924, the fire company moved into Township Hall which was located across form Pickens Service Station.  The building was known to many in later years as the Lady Ester Rebekah Lodge on Mill Street until it was torn down in 2006.
    •  On June 2, 1924 a new three H.P. siren was purchased for $245.00 and was paid for from entertainment and food sales.  This siren was installed on August 4, 1924.
    •  At the meeting held December 2, 1925, the company discussed transferring command over to the township.  The fire company went under control of the township by vote of the people on February 1, 1926.
    •  On January 3, 1927, the township took over note on fire apparatus and will furnish all fire equipment in the future.
    •  In May 1927, discussion and progress began for the creation of the Ladies Auxiliary.
    •  The bill of sale for fire apparatus was transferred to the township from the company on July 2, 1928.
    •  One of the largest fires in Pedricktown was on July 21, 1934.  H.G. Cline’s garage at the corner of Railroad Ave and Mill Street, now an empty lot, burned.  Pedricktown Fire Company and nine other companies fought this fire.
    •  On February 4, 1935, the township reported to the company that they had purchased a 1934 Ford fire truck with a Hale pump.  This truck was in service for 40 years.  It was retired in 1975 and is presently owned by the fire company, it is an honored piece of equipment.
    •  The fire siren was reported out of service for repairs at the March 6, 1944 meeting.  In case of fires the church bells would be rung until the siren was returned which wasn’t till July 3, 1944.
    •  The fire company held their first Christmas Party for the children of the community on December 23, 1949, an annual event that continues today.  They also hung Christmas lights in the streets.